I've gotta share a few stories here that will boggle your mind... can you explain these?
Story #1:
OK, last night @ 3:20am, I got back to my room from my friend Johns place.
When I came in, I put my stuff down, went to the kitchen to get water. While at the fridge, I had a completely random flashback of being in highschool, freshman year, sitting in homeroom class, beside AJ Walker, watching TV, and seeing Creed singing "Higher". It was a moment I remember vividly.
About 5 minutes later, I return to my room, sit in my chair, and decide to get on the computer for a few minutes to wind down. I had a link open in firefox that I had kept open, the link was to a forum where a game was being played. Someone posts an image, then says a word. The next person posts an image of that previous word, then posts a word for the next guy, and so on.
I am looking for about 2-3 minutes, and I get to a post someone said "higher", and the next image is Creed.
Story #2:
The other day, I was laying in bed looking out my window before sleep. I noticed the light right outside my window was shining so brightly, I couldn't hardly see out. I thought "it'd be nice to not have that light outside..."
The next night, the light wasn't shining, weird. I go outside to look, and the light had fallen, hanging only by a cord.
Story #3:
A couple nights ago, at Johns place, doin' a deep chat. The main topics we hit on were family and reading books. Family wise, we touched on how I want to reconnect with my family again. Books wise, we touched on the fact that I gotta practice reading more to enjoy it.
The very next day, morning actually, I got a call from my dad sharing some touching words with me "you are my mentor, my guide post." And shortly after, I was talking to one of my friends from my LoA facebook group, an author of a book on the LoA, and she offered me a copy of her book for free.
Family... and books...
Story #3:
Want another story? OK, last week, I was surfing StumbleUpon videos, and randomly came across a video about a Savant that had amazing memory abilities (check this video out), and later into the video the main guy went to meet the Savant that the movie "Rain Man" was based upon. Very interesting.
Later that night, I decided to watch some Derren Brown TV show "Mind Control", and towards the end of the show, he did a trick, and the girl said "Whoa, its like he's the Rain Man or something!?"
Oh, and then the next day my friend mentions the movie to me.
Story #4:
Last story, short one. The other night, I was sitting before bed, thinking about how I would like to study more about how to change my beliefs in a more systematic way...
And the very next morning, I woke up, and someone from my LoA group messaged me about his new product that helps to systematically change beliefs in yourself.
Story #5:
Wait wait, as an update I have another. This type of story happens so frequently, I'm almost over the novelty feeling....... noooo way, it still freaks me out.
I was walking on campus today, and I randomly had a thought of my friend Jennifer Bluffington, whom has a LoA group on Facebook like mine. I thought about how long it has been since we talked.
Then, a couple hours later, she sends out a message to all of her group members, which I haven't seen happen in a long time.
If you want another story, check out the blog directly below this one, called "A developing LoA story!"
Other, more common, situations that occur is thinking about a person, or seeing their profile on Facebook after not seeing or talking to them for a while... and then within a week I see them on campus, when I NEVER do...
Oh, and I think its worth mentioning. All the above stories occurred within 1.5 weeks...
I cannot explain any of this at all... but stuff like this happens to me all the time! Sometimes, I wonder if its some type of latent psychic ability I have... other times I just think certain thoughts I have are shockwaves of a powerful manifestation about to occur... even other times I just think my mind has this very powerful ability to create my reality, but mostly on random things... maybe its packets of energy I have stored in my mind/body, and when I think about them, they burst into a manifestation instantly... I sometimes just think that it was "meant to be", I was supposed to experience that for some type of purpose or meaning in my life...
Whatever it is... I sure would like to be able to harness it. What do you think?